Sunday, May 20, 2012

Falling or Flying... Definitely Falling!!

So, there is so much I want to share but for now, I am going to go back  several days to share a special moment with all of you!
One of the coolest and craziest things I have ever done I did last week when I went to bungee jump in Cairns off a tower that was over 160 feet! I could not believe that I decided to do something like this but I wanted to bungee jump at some point on our trip so I figured our last free day in Cairns would be the best time to do it. As I arrived and climbed up the tower, I got super anxious. One of my friends, May, was down below getting ready to take some photos. Before I jumped, I saw a guy from Florida jump and I nearly ran back down the tower. He loved it, and I almost had a heart attack just from watching him.  However, I fought the urge and got ready for the fall. The crew put me in my gear and harness and told me to make sure to tuck my head in and throw my arms over my head when I fall. Of course, I worried I would forget. When they lined me up and had me dangling my toes off the edge I freaked out a little... okay, a lot! They counted down from five and when they reached one, I turned around and asked if they would push me off. Apparently, I had to jump, which to be honest, I preferred the pushing! Well, I finally jumped and freaked out the entire way down screaming.
But, I did it! I can officially cross bungee jumping off my list and know I will never do it ever again!!!
Micah Moskoff

Micah Moskoff '14
"If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."
                                                                                                 --- Emile Zola

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