Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bridge Climb

April 29th: On our FIRST free day in Sydney, a small group of us previously planned to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Having booked this day in advance, I was really looking forward to it; to be able to say that I climbed a landmark in Sydney that not many other people have gotten the chance to is amazing. Looking at the bridge from the harbour, the height didn't intimidate me. But actually getting there was the hard part. The "stairs" were more like ladders; I was gripping the rail with white knuckles! Especially to hear and see the fast moving traffic feet from you made my heart race. I was glad that I could share this experience with my friend Erin, though not all of us got on the same tour. Though my legs were shaking at the end, standing at the top made it all worth it.
Abbie Austin

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