Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday May 16-18, 2012. 3 Day – 2 Night Camping
Adventure in "The Bush." While in Alice Springs, we took a 3 day – 2 day
camping trip away from the city out into "The Bush" of Australia's outback
country. We spent the three days going on hikes and sight-seeing some of
the natural historical landscapes of Australia. We learned both sides of
the land's creation, the scientific explanation and the indigenous people's
creation story. Both nights, we did some rustic camping and slept under
the stars. The stars in the outback were a breath-taking sight to see.
Charlie shared with us information about the southern hemisphere stars and
the galaxies. Our tour guide provided us with our meals, including cooking
us dinner by campfire. The second night, we watched the sunset on "The
Rock" also known as Uluru. Then, the following morning, we woke up early
before the sunrise to watch the sun come up behind Uluru. The temperature
changes were extreme here. We would experience temps as low as 33 degrees
Fahrenheit at night and during the day they would climb as high as 85
degrees Fahrenheit. To stay warm at night, we slept in swags and sleeping
bags. A swag is used for extra insulation and is lined with a small
mattress. Camping in "the bush" was an amazing experience and we really
enjoyed a few rustic nights and seeing the outback of Australia.
-Paige, Jordan, & Taylor Kent
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