Thursday, April 26, 2012

Charlie's new cell phone number

27 April, 6:30 am

Sydney Central YHA

Mild, pleasant.  Short-sleeve weather.


Well, we have arrived, safe and sound!  The weather is just perfect -- the Sydneysiders think it is a little chilly, but since we're coming from a locale that recently had over three inches of snow, it feels fine to us. 

We did our usual first day tour:  the Hyde Park barracks and the Indigenous Australian exhibit at the Australian Museum.  But we landed here early enough so that we could take a nice stroll around the Botanic Gardens -- including a look at the flying fox colony.  Sometimes, people ask if I ever get bored with this course, and I always answer 'no'; getting to see the country along with others makes it fresh every year.  And at the gardens yesterday, watching the students and my colleague Lynn and their enthusiasm at seeing the flying foxes for the very first time, made for a perfect example of that. 

The photograph attached is of the group at Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park. 

I do have a new cell phone number for the tour here in Australia.  For those dialing from Australia, it is 04-1570-9620.  For those calling from America (14-hours time difference!), it is 011-61-4-1570-9620.


--charlie j

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